I would love to hear from groups that have managed to reconstruct their neighbourhoods to be more connected and walkable. Do they have stats on things like kids being able to spend more time outside, the ability to walk to get groceries, less car trips, etc.

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That would make for a good episode. Let me know if you can think of any neighbourhoods — anywhere — that have managed to “retrofit” themselves to be more walkable.

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Haha, I was hoping you’d tell me. It’s hard to get around to all the spots in the city.

I guess the Churchill/Byron area comes to mind. I know a similar treatment is in the plans for Richmond/Pinecrest, my ‘hood, so knowing how things changed for people there would be lovely. Even if it’s bad news! I’m sure it’s good tho.

Having more success stories running around in the wild is good for the urban ecosystem.

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Neil, a thorough airing of waste policy is crying out for attention. Please add it to your (long!) list of topics.

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A welcome addition to the municipal media landscape, so thanks Neil. I'd love to have you dig into all things ethical. How can we better control developer donations to municipal candidates? Why those with large funding from a developer are allowed to vote on that developer's projects. Jan Harder, former chair of the Planning Committee, was 90% funded by developer-related individuals. How it is that confidential contracts can be signed with the City and our councillors are denied access to critical information to assess these contracts -- as is the case with the City-OSEG contract for Lansdowne.

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Drop the camera so lens is in line with your eyes. Switch to 4-3 aspect ration. Frame so top of your head meets the top of the frame. Set up a fill light to camera high right or left, and a key light low, to camera right or left. Bring the mic into view and set it so you're speaking directly into it. Make a set with (cliched but effective) books on shelves in BG, or at least blur BG. Maybe a large repro aerial of old Ottawa b&w?

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Thanks for these suggestions. Appreciated. I’m just borrowing space in a studio right now, so don’t have a lot of control over these issues. But will look to upgrade in a few months and will adopt these ideas.

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Since you seem to okay with unsolicited advice in a public forum Charles, I'm going to give you some unsolicited advice in a public forum.

Your reply would have been more effective as a direct message, nobody likes getting getting unsolicited advice in a public forum.

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Hi Neil, nicely done! Excited to listen to this podcast. I appreciate all you are doing to improve life in this city as well as encourage more oversight into spending and prioritizing bike paths and active transportation. Be well!

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This is great! I’m moving back to Ottawa this spring after being away for almost 35 years. I followed you in the former bird place and now on bluesky and appreciate your insights. I can’t wait to listen.

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Looking forward to this, Neil. 👍🏻

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This great news. Thank you.

One issue that overrides all the individual issues is the imbalance of powers.between the two levels of governments. I believe Municipalities need greater powers on a number of issues- like taxation- and i think this imbalance affects our ability to actually make the.needed important changes like on housing transportation, etc. Thx very much

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I have been an Ottawa resident for over 50 years. I have seen no long term comprehensive vision for the National Capital Region since the 1948 Greber Plan , Ottawa mayors run on a platform based on keeping property taxes low. The NCC long term plan is largely cosmetic, keeping the the NCR beautiful etc . Projects are done piecemeal: LRT, Gatineau Tram, Landsdowne Live, New Interprovincial Bridges, New Senators downtown Arena, possible high speed rail corridor , Wellington Street revitalization etc. With all the Queensway widenings since the 1960s, traffic congestion is getting worse, even with increased Work at Home. It therefore be nice to update the auto centric Greber Plan to have a long term vision for the NCR

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V interesting idea. It’s true that the NCC planning is done in a silo, away from any City planning. I do feel it is up to the city to lead/initiate any coordinated planning.

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Planning for the NCR is unfortunately a joint responsibility between the Federal ( NCC), Gatineau and Ottawa. Ottawa planning has traditionally focused only on the City of Ottawa needs focusing on downtown Ottawa. A good example of this is the LRT system plan which did not include Gatineau requirements, which now means adding a separate Tram system to connect downtown Gatineau and Ottawa. The Greber plan had a vision for the whole NCR with a centralized approach.

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Great to hear about the podcasts!

Could we explore this issue: The city has a responsibilities to the public to ensure its facilities are safe and maintained. Yet with the Lansdowne facilities, the city stated in writing, it did NOT visit the site once from 2015 to the end of 2019 (5 years) to make sure the "Maintenance contractor" OSEG is maintaining the facility properly.

This same contractor carrying out maintenance complained it was "Crumbling" and they proposed tearing it down and they would build something better for them to make a profit, all while the 2010 city engineering report stated there was a 40 year usable life in Lansdowne. Not one verification visit.

How can this conflict of interest (OSEG) and dereliction of duty (City staff) be allowed in a city this size, and how do other cities stop this problem and keep the "pubic interest" in operations and maintenance above partner profits?

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