Great to have those two veteran reporters on.

Do try to eliminate Neil's double reflection behind him! That's a bit distracting.

I look forward to future editions.

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Right now we're focused on getting great content out. Improving the production quality will be a steady hill we climb over a number of weeks.

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I really enjoyed this smart and opinionated discussion of local issues. Looking forward to the next episode!

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Love to see Joanne and Jon back at it. I do take issue with first, Joanne's comment about less than 20% of eligible voters elected a majority government “that's weird” and then Neil, your comment, “it's the nature of democracy”. No it's not! I'm not sure why you wouldn't have seized on the opportunity to call-out the anachronistic system of First Past The Post. It is not democratic. It's anti-democratic. We need to have a serious discussion about proportional representation where every vote counts not just 18% who elect a majority government. Checkout Fair Vote Canada. https://www.thestar.com/opinion/contributors/in-an-alternative-better-world-doug-ford-would-have-a-lot-less-power-right-now/article_0206bd92-f908-11ef-bdde-9b4da1fa2f87.html

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👏🏼 the 35 minutes is excellent, time for one cup of coffee and a top up! great to hear from veterans but I hope we can groom a next generation who understand DCs and P3s !

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