This series was very well-written and has got me to think about how my own city is built.

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thank you for the excellent detailed analysis of the city budgetary lapses. The transit is a horrible problem and it was entirely created by our city government not by other levels of govt., I agree.

Because of the flaws of the original contracting and the continuous technical failures including multiple breakdowns, and the sad realization of how much “deliberate malfeasance“ went into these flaws and failures, It is incredible that the city continues to raise transit fees and lower transit service. Our previous mayor declared that he took total responsibility for the LRT fiasco. However, there is not a shred of financial or other consequences to him and other major decision-makers. They show how much impunity elected people as well as staff can display.

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One thing you learn from fixing what the experts screwed up ,but could not fix. They were all good at what they did. As long as the 20th century horse & buggy silo driven system allowed them to charge more & give less in quality & quantity. Left the community with the bill. It happen in 1989,2008, COVID, now Mother Nature in the process of renewal on a global scale & it seem no matter how. Much $$ tossed at the problem. All we get is a growing bill. Based on a system that now shown to waste most of what it produces. As it more cost efficient.

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