All excellent points on 70-yrs of suburbanization with private capital thanks to Greber's vision and other modern planning models. I think it takes some deeper thought about how we do it. The extremes of density of non-community oriented condo towers (that is happening in downtown Ottawa and looses the 15-minute soft city ideal) vs. the non-place density of marginal areas on strodes. It would be interesting to actually go back to a garden city principles with exceptional public transit (i.e. it is free for most, with surrounding zones paying, and a congestion tax). Right now, there is commute grid lock and lack of car parking in downtown Ottawa because people only come in to their offices a few times a week and are not interested in paying for a transit pass.
All excellent points on 70-yrs of suburbanization with private capital thanks to Greber's vision and other modern planning models. I think it takes some deeper thought about how we do it. The extremes of density of non-community oriented condo towers (that is happening in downtown Ottawa and looses the 15-minute soft city ideal) vs. the non-place density of marginal areas on strodes. It would be interesting to actually go back to a garden city principles with exceptional public transit (i.e. it is free for most, with surrounding zones paying, and a congestion tax). Right now, there is commute grid lock and lack of car parking in downtown Ottawa because people only come in to their offices a few times a week and are not interested in paying for a transit pass.